
Founding Team

Franky (@FrankyWWL) - Co-founder

Ex-consulting manager for Deloitte and other consulting firms.

With over 8 years experience in strategy, Franky has provided clients with guidance in various spheres of business, including corporate strategy, business transformation, and digital innovation capabilities.

Working daily with a number of high profile NASDAQ listed businesses with a combined value of over $100M in market cap, Franky is used to lean transformation industries and all types of project deliverables. Tyler Garcia (@oCubann) - Co-founder

Owner and general manager of restaurant in NY for the past 8 years.

Tyler has over 10 years of experience in the retail and food industries. This has allowed Garcia to learn to work efficiently and with authority in moments of pressure as well as learn to manage and delegate workloads to large numbers of employees. Tyler has been able to use his interpersonal management skills to build core teams that have driven businesses to all time highs.

Tyler is also experienced in managing day to day operations, optimizing performance and developing key operational initiatives to drive and maintain constant business growth.

Irman Buttar (@IrmanBurr) - Co-founder

Also known as Burr in the Web3 space, has worked at Clearhouse LLP, a finance and auditing firm, for ~5 years prior to making a transition into the real estate industry amidst the pandemic. He has helped budget, audit, prepare, and review financial reports for multi-million dollar corporations.

Now in real estate, Irman helps his clients invest into pre-construction projects with the use of his network and negotiation skills.

While being a real estate agent, he is also a basketball coach at one of the best programs in North America.

Tom (@CryptoTomYT) - Co-founder

Working previously with an array of different tech companies ranging from startups to NASDAQ listed companies, Tom is no stranger to innovation.

Previously, he's worked on marketing, business ops, and software engineering at Virtuabroker, a crypto trading platform. He's also worked in more traditional software engineering roles at cloud companies.

Core Team

Jonny (@datdegenboi) - Community Manager

Dom (@_helladom) - Community Lead

Riz (@RizNFT) - Board of Council

Prada (@NFTPrada) - Advisor

Boquet (@MsF0m0) - Ambassador (Thailand)

Singapore Team

Jay (@jayjunjie_) - Board of Council

Maverick (@maverick23NFT) - Advisor

Fridge (@fridgeintheopen) - Advisor

Chewtoro (@Chewtoro) - Ambassador

Goldilocks (@hellogoldilocks) - Ambassador

Community Team

Chloe (@ohsochloeh) - Moderator

Basho (@basho_eth) - Moderator

Dumpling (@nft_dumpling) - Moderator

Belle (@minsism) - Moderator

John (@jpegjohnNFT) - Moderator

Lancuria (@0xPyrrhic) - Moderator

Swan (@swanister) - Moderator

Ais (@aisnft) - Junior Moderator

Joe Carm (@joecarm1) - Junior Moderator

Cindy (@cindyth1_nft) - Junior Moderator

Last updated